Rotary grants dreams
by Darren Handschuh
A global pandemic is not enough to stop Kalamalka Rotary from helping the community.
Kal Rotary is providing $185,000 in grants to 15 organizations with money raised from the club’s annual Dream Auction held in November.
“Applications from community groups are accepted following the auction and awards made in the following months,” according to club president Dr. Carmen Larsen. “Kal Rotary has a long history of providing much-needed support to community needs, and this year’s diverse applications illustrate that ongoing need.”
In the area of athletics and recreation, Kal Rotary has committed $10,000 to purchase an equipment transport van for the Community Recreational Initiatives Society, $40,000 to the Lavington Community Association to build a roof for the Jeffers Park skating rink, $10,000 toward a Vernon Ski Club cabin upgrade, and $15,000 to Vernon Search and Rescue to purchase winter protective equipment for their 80 volunteer members. Grants also include $4,000 for the Vernon Rowing and Dragon Boating Club for dock expansion.
Under environment and parks, the North Okanagan Cycling Society received $22,900 toward construction of a new four-kilometre trail in Kalamalka Provincial Park, and $15,000 committed to the Allan Brooks Nature Centre toward a HVAC upgrade.
In arts and culture, the Vernon Music School will receive $10,000 for its ongoing Smith House Music School renovation project, and O’Keefe Ranch and Interior Heritage Society $10,000 to aid with restoration of the O’Keefe Mansion verandah.
Community Health applicants include the Schubert Centre, which received $9,800 to purchase a new furnace, and Brain Trust Canada, which was awarded $3,400 to purchase a laptop and desktop computer. The Vernon Restholm Association was the recipient of $8,500 for adjacent BX Creek bank restoration. The Archway Society for Domestic Peace was awarded $6,000 for its child-centered family therapy room upgrade, and the Halina Centre received $3,400 to purchase a recumbent cross trainer exercise machine. As well, $17,000 was provided to the Vernon Centre for Assisted Community Living (Venture Training) toward purchasing a wheelchair accessible van.
“The number of applicants grows each year. Kal Rotary is grateful to the merchants and individuals who donate goods and services to the Dream Auction and to the generous supporters who attend and purchase these items,” said Mike Nolan, in charge of local donations. “Without them, none of these important community initiatives could be supported.”