Need an online activity?
by Tereza Verenca
A group in the River City is ensuring locals who feel unsteady about venturing outside their bubble stay connected.
Carmongering Kamloops has created a calendar of online activities on Virtual book clubs, tutoring help and weekly sessions to help seniors navigate grocery store websites and other online platforms are all part of the offerings.
"Some people are choosing to venture out now, and others are not,” says spokesperson Inga Thomson Hilton in a news release. "People need to decide what’s right for them. These online activities are a way to support those who are looking for more interaction while continuing to self-isolate."
Caremongering Kamloops initially started as a Facebook group (it currently has over 4,100 members), by AnnMarie Aase at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. People started offering everything from virtual yoga classes to cooking lessons. With help from ROI Media Works and Adroit Technologies, the website was created as a way to compile all the offers and connect those in need with volunteers willing to lend a hand.
The release notes another feature of the Caremongering offerings that will continue is the meal partnership with the Mt. Paul Community Food Centre. Volunteers have delivered more than 450 meals to date.
"Our meals partnership will be continuing into June, so if you know someone who could use a free, made-from-scratch meal delivered to their doorstep, let us know!" says Robyn Shiels.
For more information about the local caremongering movement, click here. To view the calendar, click here.