That's a deal breaker! Grossed-out social media users share their partners' most unhygienic habits - from flossing with human hair to leaving toenail clippings on the floor
People from across the globe have confessed partner's worst hygiene habits
They wrote anonymously on the secrets sharing site Whisper to share feelings
One grossed out woman confessed that her boyfriend smells like onion
While the well-known phrase 'nobody is perfect' is true, it seems these select few could at least try a little harder - as far as their hygiene habits are concerned, anyway.
Whisper users from across the globe have taken to the confession-sharing app to admit the various reasons they're grossed out by their partner's bad hygiene habits.
One person told how she is embarrassed by the fact she can see her boyfriend's ear wax when standing next to him, while another shared her horror after her other half started using her hair as dental floss when they were cuddling on the sofa.
Elsewhere, another told how she could literally see the build up of plaque on her partner's teeth, while a further admitted her fella smells of onions.
One woman, from the US, told of her horror after her partner started using her hair to floss his teeth while they were cuddling on the sofa Another, from an unknown location, admitted she is revolted by the build up of plaque she can see on her boyfriend's teethThis woman, from the US, confessed she is grossed out when her boyfriend picks his braces with his fingers after he eats One woman, from an unknown location, revealed that her boyfriend's ear wax is her biggest turn off - as she can see it just standing next to himThis lady, from an unknown location, is given a lasting reminder of her boyfriend's hygiene issue because the smell of his bad B.O sinks into her bed sheetsAnother person, from the US, admitted she is disgusted that her other half clips his nails everywhere but in the binOne woman, from an unknown location, confessed she is disgusted when her partner re-uses dental flossAnother woman, from an unknown location, told how her husband thinks that body wash in an acceptable substitute for deodorant One woman, from an unknown location, tried to resolve her boyfriend's spots by buying him some face scrub - but he still didn't get the hintAnother lady, from an unknown location, reiterated how much she loves her boyfriend - before saying he smells like onionsAnother, from an unknown location, told how her boyfriend's breath is so bad it ruins their sex lifeOne woman, from an unknown location, revealed how grossed out she is by the fact her other half doesn't wash his handsHygiene expert highlights most contaminated areas of your home