Coronavirus: Dundee Uni develops online art initiative to keep senior school pupils on course for higher education
Dundee University is in the midst of a creative online project to keep senior school pupils on course for art and design in higher education.
by Graham BrownThe university is part of the nationally-funded Access to Creative Education in Scotland (ACES) programme based across the country’s four art schools.
Their goal is to encourage senior pupils from groups traditionally under-represented in higher education who are looking to apply to art and design-based courses.
The programme helps pupils explore options and develop a strong portfolio, which is now being done through the online project in a collaboration with Edinburgh University.
With campus projects halted by the pandemic, the online CollaborACES project is now six weeks into the ten-week course, offering pupils weekly creative challenges, online life drawing and artist research.
“We hope the programme gives pupils a sense of achievement and encourages them to keep being creative and know that creative communities are there,” said project officer Helen Hardman of Dundee University.
“ACES has always been really important because as a widening access project, we are working with schools and working with pupils who might not have had higher education in their sights.
“It is vital that we continue to provide that encouragement and support.”

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