Mafia 3: Definitive Edition’s Xbox One X enhancement is actually 900p
by Lewis WhiteThe newest release of Mafia 3: Definitive Edition has completely botched its Xbox One X release.
While the recent release of Mafia 2: Definitive Edition released with a bevy of horrid performance issues and glitches, its sequel is not without issue.
While the 2016 release of Mafia 3 brought Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro enhancements for those who bought into the enhanced consoles – a full 1440p on PS4 Pro and a greater 1728p on Xbox One X – the game’s Definitive Edition doesn’t bring those enhancements.
Despite advertising a full 4K resolution on Xbox One X, this recent remaster has made a grave error – it doesn’t give players that resolution. Instead, as Eurogamer’s Digital Foundry analyses, the enhanced Xbox One X version renders at just 900p.
“The development team supporting Mafia 3: Definitive Edition is aware of this issue and is working to restore support for Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro as soon as possible,” a 2K spokesperson told Digital Foundry.