290 groups so far in Tipperary are preparing for annual Spring Clean
by Noel DundonThey will take to the hi-ways and bi-ways of the county to make the countrysides more beautiful
The National Spring Clean is Ireland’s largest anti-litter initiative and takes place from the 8th - 20th June.
Tipperary County Council in association with An Taisce is delighted to support community groups and volunteers who give of their time and effort to organise clean-up events in towns and villages across the county.
This year’s event was deferred until June due to Covid, and communities engaging in cleanups are advised to adhere to HSE and An Taisce guidelines by organising themselves into groups of no more than 4 people and to stay within a 20km radius. For further details on the guidelines refer to the National Spring Clean website https://nationalspringclean.org
The National Spring Clean has established itself as Ireland’s biggest anti-litter initiative and encourages people from all walks of life to take pride in their local community surroundings and to lead the way against combatting litter. The removal of litter from our road sides and verges assists our Tidy Town Committees into transforming our towns and villages for the Tidy Towns Competition each year during the summer months.
395 groups from Tipperary participated in this initiative last year and with 290 registrations to date, this is likely to be exceeded in 2020.
Tipperary County Council distributes litter pickers, bags and gloves to community groups and the collected materials can be brought to one of our Civic Amenity Sites
By volunteering for the National Spring Clean campaign, communities are actively helping to make and keep the local environment a cleaner and more enjoyable place to work and/or live in.