Four die as storm lashes Joypurhat

At least four people, including two children, were crushed to death by falling trees and collapsing walls after a storm slammed into Joypurhat shortly after Tuesday midnight.
The incidents were reported in Khalishagari and Harunja villages of the district, said Superintendent of Police Salam Kabir.

The dead were Shilpi Begum, 27, in Khalishagari village and her two sons Newaz Mia, 7, and Niyamul Hossain, 3, and Mariam Begum, 70, in Harunja village.
A tree fell on the house of Joynal Mia causing the walls to collapse, injuring Joynal’s wife Shilpi and their two sons. They later died at Khetlal Health Complex.
Joynal survived as he was in the other room of the house.
In a similar incident around the same time, a tree uprooted by the storm fell on Mariam’s house. She died after the walls of the house caved in.

The local administration provided Tk 5,000 for the burial of each of the dead and will provide Tk 15,000 more, said Deputy Commissioner Mohammed Zakir Hossain.
The storm damaged Boro crops on 11,000 hectares in Joypurhat, said ASM Meftahul Bari, director of the Department of Agricultural Extension in Joypurhat.
More than 200 houses were devastated while thousands of trees were uprooted in the storm, according to local residents.