Proposed Kannapolis budget has no fee or rate increase
by David WhisenantKANNAPOLIS, N.C. (WBTV) - Kannapolis City Manager Mike Legg presented the recommended Fiscal Year 2021 budget to the Kannapolis City Council Tuesday evening. The recommended budget is $79,927,940 which includes all seven operating funds of the City.
The budget includes no property tax increase and no increases in utility fees.
If approved, the current tax rate will remain at .63 cents per $100 valuation - a home valued at $150,000 will pay $945 annually in property taxes for all City services.
“This year we find ourselves in a new world. COVID-19 is impacting the way we do business today and it will in all likelihood greatly impact how we will do business tomorrow. The City is projecting the loss of approximately $2.25 million in revenues due to COVID-19 in the new budget year. Our proposed budget could be described as ‘keeping the lights on’. We will maintain all city services at the level our residents expect but we it will be difficult to move forward with any new capital projects or new services,” said Kannapolis City Manager Mike Legg.
City departments are maintaining or cutting their expenditures. For example, the police department will not replace any vehicles this year, the fire department will not purchase a fire engine that was planned, new staffing positions are on hold, city employees will not receive pay increases, there will be reduction in street repaving and preventive maintenance on city facilities will be delayed.
“We are very fortunate that our financial planning for the City anticipated this new budget year would include the increase in revaluation of property taxes and that our city would be experiencing growth in new private sector development. This growth enables us to NOT increase property taxes or fees and there are no reductions to the services we provide to our residents,” he continued.
This year’s budget includes funds to continue all operations of the City, pay for inflationary increases for items the City needs to operate and to pay debt on projects the City has recently completed like two new fire stations, infrastructure improvements (water, sewer, sidewalks, streets) and the Atrium Health Ballpark.
“As the budget year progresses, we will be monitoring revenue streams closely and will make adjustments as necessary. We are hopeful that the negative impacts of COVID-19 will not linger and we can move forward with several of the budget items we are delaying,” Legg said.
The majority of the City’s revenues come from two sources – property taxes and sales taxes. Due to COVID-19 the City expects to lose $2.25 million in revenues (this would equate to 5 cents on the property tax rate). Revenue streams that are expected to decrease are: property taxes, sales taxes, Powell bill funding (for maintaining streets), franchise taxes, water and sewer revenues, and rental property income.
In addition to maintaining a status quo budget the City is not proposing a revenue neutral tax rate. This will allow the City to weather the detrimental economic effects of COVID-19.
The CK Rider System will receive CARES Act funds as part of the COVID-19 relief efforts to assist public transit systems which will help offset any losses in this area.
Other notable items in the budget include:
• Hire an additional School Resource Officer (SRO) for the Kannapolis Police Department. This position is offset by a grant Kannapolis City Schools is expecting from the State.
• Hire a Fire Mechanic to assist with vehicle repairs in-house. This position is offset by a reduction in what the City pays to contract out this service.
• $300,000 increase for the Local Government Retirement System contribution for employees as mandated by State Treasurer’s Office.
• $625,000 increase in employer paid contribution for health insurance.
• $141,450 increase in liability and workers compensation insurance.
• $40,000 increase for the City’s financial software upgrade, which is required to be compliant with W-2 printing for tax purposes.
• $83,144 increase in public safety software and annual maintenance on city-wide applications
• $29,405 increase for safety platform installations at City Hall and the Public Works Operations Center.
• $24,596 increase for preventative maintenance at city-owned and operated facilities.
• $50,000 increase in financial contracted services for assistance with the audit. This increase is offset by p-card rebates the City receives.
• $48,358 increase in the contract with Odell Volunteer Fire Department due to projected revaluation of properties and new home growth.
• $34,000 increase in asphalt costs for resurfacing city-maintained streets.
• $25,117 increase in mowing contracts for all city-owned properties.
• $2,600,000 for the principal debt service payment for the Atrium Health Ballpark.
• $280,000 increase in debt service for Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway.
• $122,500 increase in repair and maintenance of vehicles, equipment and tanks for water and sewer operations.
• $91,000 in debt service for the purchase of a Vac Truck replacement and $16,800 in replacement of equipment for water and sewer operations.
• $1,757,750 increase in debt service for the following water and sewer projects: Kannapolis Crossing, Lane Street and Water Treatment Plant improvements.
• $222,151 increase in sewage treatment costs as part of the agreement the City has with the Water Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC).
• $100,000 increase in costs to maintain the ditching program for Stormwater operations.
• $436,173 increase in costs for solid waste and recyclable material expenses in the Environmental Fund.
• No employee cost of living or merit increases.
A public hearing on the budget is scheduled for 6 p.m., June 8, at Kannapolis City Hall with adoption scheduled for June 22.
Click here to view the entire recommended budget document and a budget overview sheet - https://www.kannapolisnc.gov/Community/News/ID/1710/Kannapolis-City-Manager-Presents-Recommended-FY-2021-Budget