A New York summer in the age of coronavirus – in pictures
Photographer Jordan Gale was curious to see how New Yorkers would adapt to a post Covid-19 summer. What he found was a combination of resilience, resourcefulness and joy – exhibited through socially distant block parties, community service, and people from all walks of life soaking up the sun
by Jordan Gale
Groups work out while wearing masks in Herbert Von King Park in Brooklyn on Saturday 16 May

A neighborhood block hosts a daily 7pm dance party in the street during applause for essential workers in Brooklyn

Police enforce social distancing rules at Domino Park in Brooklyn on Wednesday 6 May

NYU graduates take photos in Washington Square Park in Manhattan on Thursday 21 May

Summer fishing in Prospect Park in Brooklyn on Wednesday 20 May

A man enjoys the sunlight on a bench in Washington Square Park in Manhattan on Thursday 21 May

Signs advise social distancing at Pier 25 in Manhattan on Thursday 14 May

People exercise in Herbert Von King Park in Brooklyn on Saturday 16 May

People play soccer against a brick wall in Prospect Park in Brooklyn on Saturday 25 April

Skateboarders stretch before skating at a local high school in Queens on Saturday 25 April

A woman exits a newly reopened convenient store in Brooklyn on Thursday 21 May

A food bank outside Herbert Von King Park in Brooklyn on Saturday 16 May

People hang out on a roof in Brooklyn on Friday 15 May

A man rests in the sun against a barred fence in Brooklyn on Tuesday 14 April

Memorial Day weekend at Coney Island on Sunday 24 May

Metal detectors and masks at Coney Island beach in Brooklyn on Wednesday 13 May