Horrifying moment a hippo throws an impala over its head in a South African river after battling circling hyenas and wild dogs
by Joe Davies For Mailonline- The rare riverside battle of four species was filmed in Kruger National Park
- A hippo fought off African wild dogs and hyenas to attack the swimming impala
- Photographer Rogan Kerr and field guide Francois Pienaar took videos of it
A hippo fought off packs of hyenas and wild dogs before throwing a swimming impala over its head in South Africa.
Shocking footage shows the hippopotamus battle dozens of the predators, which had disturbed its river habitat in Kruger National Park.
The video, which was published yesterday, shows the hippo demonstrate its power as onlookers watch on in horror.
Photographer Rogan Kerr and field guide Francois Pienaar shot videos of the rare interaction between hippo, hyenas, African wild dogs and impala.

A lone impala swims around in the water desperate to find an escape route while the hippo lurks further behind.
Wild dogs wait by the water's edge before the hippo comes out the water to drive them off the impala, which had been chased there by the dogs.
A different pack of dogs enters the water as the hippo battles more dogs and hyenas on a dirt path, where there had been a separate kill.
Finally, the hippo returns to the water and attacks the impala, which had been dragged underwater by a wild dog, and throws it dramatically over its head.

Rogan Kerr, a Photographer at Africa on Foot, said: 'We had heard over the radio that there were dogs on the tar road so we beelined straight there.
'When we saw the little impala in the water, there was a buzz of excitement at the prospect of seeing a successful chase go down, but my heart did break watching it desperately looking for an exit strategy.
'It's a hard reminder of the cruel nature of the wild.
'Out of nowhere, a huge hippo lunged himself out of the still waters, with jaws clamping down onto the poor impala, taking it out instantly.'

Francois Pienaar, a field guide in Kruger, told Kruger Sightings the African Wild Dogs attempted to recover the impala afterwards but were unable to do so.
He said: 'The hippo flung the impala into the air, leaving everyone on the vehicle in shock.
'An incredibly special and rare sighting. Certainly, you do not see hippo, hyenas, African wild dog and impala interaction every day.'