Victim was local man in 60s
by Chelsea Powrie
RCMP have released more details about the fatal crash near Trout Creek on Highway 97 Tuesday afternoon.
At approximately 3:50 p.m., RCMP were called to the scene of the crash and discovered a man in his 60s from the Okanagan area dead "of catastrophic injuries."
He had been driving northbound when he struck the raised median separating the lanes, causing him to lose control and crash.
There were no other vehicles involved in the collision.
South Okanagan Traffic Services in Keremeos, the Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Service and the BC Coroners' Service continue to investigate this crash to determine the exact cause.
Police are asking for any witnesses, including those who may have dash camera video prior to the crash, to contact them in Keremeos at 250-499-2250.