ChurchAppsNZ Offers Free Covid-19 Contact Tracing And Visitor Register To New Zealand Churches


ChurchAppsNZ by Snapp Mobile has released a new service in its app that gives Churches a free and easy way to track and register members who want to visit the Church during Alert Level 2.

The service has already been offered to its 600+ existing client base for free and is now being made available to all other Churches in New Zealand at no cost.

“The idea came in from one of the Churches on the day it was announced that New Zealand would be going into level 2. A discussion was had amongst our team and right away we decided to drop everything and jump to it. A few days later we had a prototype and were able to advise our client base that we had a solution for them” - Joshua Woodham, Co-founder of Snapp Mobile.

The solution gives Churches 2 options to track or register its visitors.

First, Churches can send out a registration form via the ChurchAppsNZ platform for its members to give an indication to the Church of who will be attending mass.

Secondly, members can “Check-In” visitors as they arrive at Church. Church admins can also check people into Church in order to keep a register of visitors.

The check-in data is saved in a database available only to the Church and can be sent to the ministry of health if required.

For visitors without a smart-phone, there will be an option for staff at the School to manually check-in/out visitors on a tablet, phone or PC.

Churches don’t have to be an existing ChurchAppsNZ client to gain access to the service.

“We are glad to be able to give back to our community of Churches and provide a valuable service at a time when the help is needed”.

To learn more about SchoolAppsNZ and the free Covid-19 contact tracing offer you can visit their website or email

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