Toni & Guy and Regis hairdressers announce plans to open on 4 July
by Jessica LindsayThe fourth of July is normally thought of as Independence Day, but this year it may be come to known as the day our roots finally got what they deserved.
Salons are preparing to reopen after lockdown under new guidelines, and major chains like Toni and Guy and Regis have announced how our cut and colour might look totally different.
As bookings begin to be taken, these large brands have stated that their salons are going to see big changes in the name of safety for stylists and customers.
These changes might see the end of the hairdressers’ magazine rack, as these items are unable to be effectively cleaned.
Drinks made by the salon may also be off the menu, and even the waiting area might become a thing of the past, with customers asked to wait outside before their appointment to reduce overcrowding and keep social distancing.
Cleaning protocols will be ramped up, masks will be given to everyone, and appointments will be staggered so people aren’t sat too close. Staff could even have daily temperature checks to ensure they don’t have the virus.
These measures could be in place for the next six to nine months.

Nigel Darwin, chief executive of Toni & Guy told The Sun: ‘For staff, it’s all been about communication whilst being transparent and honest about our plans, and relaying what we do know and don’t.
‘Also trying to think ahead as to the stresses and strains – in particular emotional and mental health and to ensure we have good networks and communication set up.
‘In this initial period, we will look to remove some of the non-essential interaction between clients and our team.
‘We will have a period where magazines are removed from salons, and we will be offering a less extensive selection of refreshments.
‘Our professional standards were of course already high – but we have revisited all our protocols to ensure they are ready and appropriate for this new time.’
Jackie Lang, chief executive of Regis Salons said: ‘We’re planning for reopening on 4 July.
‘Over the last four to six weeks we’ve been working on the practicalities of what safety in salons is going to look like.’
In some locations, Regis will be introducing screens for receptionist staff. They will also be operating with a system whereby customers are texted when their stylist is ready rather than sitting in a waiting area.
‘It’s going to be very difficult for a number of hairdressers who are naturally gregarious people mostly,’ she said.
‘Salons are usually sociable environments.’
While we’re definitely going to miss our chats with our favourite hairdressers, we’re just glad somebody will take care on the mops on our heads (and we didn’t resort to home-bleaching in the meantime).
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