Central Park dog lady Amy 'Karen' Cooper fired from Franklin Templeton for calling cops on black man
by FPJ Web DeskAmy Cooper, a white woman has been fired from her job at Franklin Templeton for calling the cops on a black man, Christian Cooper (not related), while walking her dog at Central Park on Memorial Day.
Amy, who was strolling with her unleashed dog, was encountered by Christian, bird-watching at the Ramble – a wooded area at the park. The dispute took over the dog that was supposed to be on a leash by the rules of the vicinity.
Christian recorded a video of the same where Amy can be heard telling, “I'm taking a picture and calling the cops. I'm going to tell them there's an African American man threatening my life."
The footage was shared by Christian’s sister Melody, who wrote on Twitter, “Oh, when Karens take a walk with their dogs off leash in the famous Bramble in NY’s Central Park, where it is clearly posted on signs that dogs MUST be leashed at all times, and someone like my brother (an avid birder) politely asks her to put her dog on the leash.”
Christian shared the video on Facebook and wrote the dialogue between him and Amy.
"Central Park this morning: This woman's dog is tearing through the plantings in the Ramble.
ME: Ma'am, dogs in the Ramble have to be on the leash at all times. The sign is right there.
HER: The dog runs are closed. He needs his exercise.
ME: All you have to do is take him to the other side of the drive, outside the Ramble, and you can let him run off leash all you want.
HER: It's too dangerous.
ME: Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it.
HER: What's that?
ME (to the dog): Come here, puppy!
HER: He won't come to you.
ME: We'll see about that...
I pull out the dog treats I carry for just for such intransigence. I didn't even get a chance to toss any treats to the pooch before Karen scrambled to grab the dog.
That's when I started video recording with my iPhone, and when her inner Karen fully emerged and took a dark turn..."
The posts went viral on social media with many calling it inappropriate and racist.
Meanwhile police officers attended the call but no arrests or summonses were made over a ‘verbal dispute’.
However, Amy’s employer, Franklin Templeton, an investment company, said “Following our internal review of the incident in Central Park yesterday, we have made the decision to terminate the employee involved, effective immediately. We do not tolerate racism of any kind at Franklin Templeton.”