Star Wars Battlefront II Leaked as the Second PS+ Game for June
by Alessio Palumbo
Star Wars Battlefront II should be the second PlayStation Plus game (after Call of Duty: WWII, also released back in 2017) that Sony is readying for the June line-up, according to a pretty clear video ad leak. For the record, the game is currently sold for $19.99 on the PlayStation Store.
Star Wars Battlefront II was actually a pretty good game already when it launched, at least at its core, as pointed out in our review at the time.
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Star Wars Battlefront 2 has the potential to be an amazing game, however, it is unlikely we’ll ever get to play the real game as it's hidden beneath microtransactions. In an ideal world, EA would remove the Star Card system completely and replace it with something that doesn’t interfere with the gameplay. If you are on the fence, maybe wait a few weeks to see how EA deal with the progression system beforehand. That being said, even with Battlefront 2’s flaws I’d still say it’s worth playing.
Of course, back then its image had been completely tarnished by the microtransactions scandal that rocked the entire industry (and perhaps showed triple-A publishers to be more cautious in this area).
All of that is largely gone now. What's left is a fun and vastly improved game, thanks to years of new features and content added by DICE in the meantime, ranging from new heroes and villains to new maps, modes, weapons, and skins. No new content will be produced for Star Wars Battlefront II as DICE is now moving on to new projects (starting with the new Battlefield due to release in Fall 2021), but there's a lot of people still playing Battlefront II and if you're a PlayStation 4 player, you might be about to be able to join the fray for free.