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預告片中是以go to Earth(到世界上)來表示靈魂投胎,那我們也可以用be born again或是be reborn來表達「重生、投胎」。


預告片中是以go to Earth(到世界上)來表示靈魂投胎,那我們也可以用be born again或是be reborn來表達「重生、投胎」,舉個例子:

Do you believe that people are reborn after death?(你相信人們死後會重新投胎嗎?)

Abigail doesn't like her working-class life. She hopes to be born again into a wealthy family.(Abigail不喜歡她勞工階級的生活。她希望能重新投胎到有錢人家裡。)


The villagers thought the man might be reincarnated as a vampire.(村民們認為那名男子會投胎轉世成吸血鬼。)

That snob firmly believed he was the reincarnation of Alexander the Great.(那不可一世的人深信自己是亞歷山大大帝投胎轉世。)

預告片中用了the Great Beyond 來表示人死後靈魂會前往的地方,這種認為死後生命會以不同形式延續的概念英文稱作afterlife「死後生命、來世」,我們常聽到的heaven(天堂)和hell(地獄)也是類似的概念喔,舉個例子:

I hope I won't have to socialize with others in the afterlife.(我希望來世不需要跟人社交。)

從預告片中我們可以看到主角的肉身仍躺在醫院中呼吸,只是失去了意識,靈魂飄到了其他地方。在英文中我們可以用near-death experience「瀕死經驗」來描述這種經驗,舉個例子:

Research shows near-death experiences can be transformational and have profound and lasting effects on those who experience them.(研究指出瀕死經驗會大幅改變一個人並造成深遠的影響。)

在許多電影或書籍都會提到人在死前可能會看見白光,接下來開始快速回憶自己的人生片段,英文中常常會說see one's life flash before one's eyes「看見自己的人生閃過眼前」,或是life review「人生跑馬燈」,舉個例子:

When I was drowning at the age of 7 or 8, I experienced a life review. I saw my life flash before my eyes in a split second!(在我七歲或八歲溺水時,我經歷了人生跑馬燈。我看到自己的人生在一瞬間閃過眼前!)

在預告片中,我們可以看到在the Great Before(投胎先修班)中有許多靈魂等著要投胎,而在印度教或佛教中,輪迴投胎後的命運是好是壞都取決於「業障」,英文就是來自梵文的karma。除了用在宗教討論上,也常會用在口語上喔,表示「因果報應」,舉個例子:

Is it possible to clear the bad karma from my past lives?(有可能消除自己前世累積的業障嗎?)

Angel used to talk behind others’ backs in the office, but eventually, she was laid off. Well, that was karma.(Angel 以前在公司時老是背後說人壞話,但最後她被炒魷魚了。嗯,報應啦。)

Some vegetarians believe that eating meat is bad karma.(有些素食者認為吃肉會累積業障。)


本文經希平方 - 線上學英文授權刊登,原文以〈【希叔叔談天說地】投胎、人生跑馬燈的英文要怎麼說?〉為題發表
