Energy group urging people to help environment after Covid-19 crisis
by Charlotte BentleyAn energy group from Montgomery has urged people to consider life after coronavirus, and its impacts on the environment.
After an online meeting earlier this month, Montgomery Energy Group have encouraged people to think of actions they can take to ensure the climate crisis is not forgotten when the country and its economy looks to recover from Covid-19.
Jeremy Thorp, from Montgomery Energy Group, said: "Already, politicians are discussing how we should rebuild our society and our economy after Covid-19, and we do have a choice.
"Job creation can be done either by propping up businesses that are part and parcel of the economy that was speeding towards the cliff of a climate crisis, or to support the creation of new jobs focused around a sustainable future for us all."
During the group meeting they discussed ways to solve sustainability issues after the pandemic.
Jeremy said: "These will be challenging times, and there will be a lot of pressure on politicians, from local level at Powys County Council to higher up in Government, to create jobs at any cost to the environment.
"Some thoughts that came out of this discussion were to try to find solutions that solve both problems. Can we come up with economic solutions that are good for the climate – making houses more energy efficient, in which case, how can we make this attractive to decision makers?
"Identify who the decision makers are. Do write to your AM and MP but their influence is probably pretty small. It may be more effective to lobby key figures in local government like portfolio holders.
"How will society have to change post Covid-129, with less public transport, shorter supply chains, and how can we make sure that the alternatives are sustainable?
"How can we encourage more energy efficient housing improvements? This is ideal as a target as it could generate many local skilled jobs, and it needs to be done anyway. What are the barriers, how can we get around them?
"Can we work with schools more? Children are good at taking home messages to their parents. Lightfoot, who ran the Household Energy Service project in Montgomery for many years, are revising the energy diary they developed for primary school children and this could be used more as a resource."
To find out more about the group or get in touch with ideas, visit the Montgomery Energy Group (MEG) Facebook page or email