As domestic flight services resumed after two months due to the coronavirus-induced nationwide lockdown, several Bollywood and television actors took the opportunity to travel back to their home towns and be with their families in this unprecedented time. Radhika Madan who was in Mumbai during the lockdown travelled to Delhi to be with her family. She shared a photograph on Instagram from Mumbai airport and captioned it, “Mai aa rahi hu Maa...#homebound #travelsafe #airportlook.”Image Credit: Insta/adhikamadan

In Pictures: Celebrities in India hop on to domestic flights to be home again

As India starts its domestic flights, celebrities head home after two months of lockdown

Karanveer Mehra also revealed that he went to Delhi from Mumbai and shared precautionary measures taken up by him and the flight crew on Instagram.Image Credit: Insta/karanveermehra
Rimi Sen documented her travel from Mumbai to Delhi as well. She shared pictures of a face mask and wrote, “Kuch toh mila Indigo se free mein''.Image Credit: Insta/subhamitra03
Himansh best known as Raghav Oberoi in the Hindi soap opera Humse Hai Life also travelled to Delhi from Mumbai. Apparently the actor bought not one but two tickets to keep himself safe and keep social distancing.Image Credit: Insta/kohlihimansh
Parth Samthaan best known for his role as Anurag Basu in Kasautii Zindagii Kay, shared a selfie video of himself with a face shield on his Instagram stories and joked that he looked like a character from the popular show Breaking Bad. Parth was travelling to Hyderabad from Mumbai.Image Credit: Insta/the_parthsamthaan