Valve Announces The International 10 Battle Pass
by Ian CheeValve has announced The International 10 Battle Pass for its annual Dota 2 tourney. This fits with the usual time the company announces the battle pass for the tournament, which it self has been delayed.
This year’s battle pass comes with a few new features. The first is the introduction of a Guild system, not something you’d expect from a MOBA. While anyone can join, only owners of the battle pass may create one. When you’re in one, every match grants you Guild Points. Collect enough of these and you’ll unlock emoticons, bonus challenges, battle pass bonuses, and more for yourself and your guildmates.

Alongside the battle pass are a number of other features rolling out. One is the introduction of minigames to the pause screen. Rather than waiting painfully for each pause to end, now one of three minigames will appear to help you kill time.
As with previous years, Valve is committing 25% of The International 10 Battle Pass sale to the tourney prize pool. At the time of writing, this currently sits at US$8704933 (~RM38 million). It will definitely balloon to greater heights, considering the tournament itself has yet to have an actual date to it.