One more big container ship down in Santos, Brazil
by NIKOLAY TORKINOne crew of 10,000 TEU container ship CAP SAN LORENZO was tested positive, said tireless National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) on May 26. The ship berthed at Santos Brazil on May 24, one unlucky non-Brazilian crew was to be relieved and return home, but ANVISA found him virus positive. All crew were tested, cargo operations were cancelled, the ship was taken to outer anchorage and anchored, to wait for testing results.
Science reputation was seriously undermined by collusion in Climate Change Hoax, same can be said now of medics and nations health care, actively colluding in “pandemic” worldwide scam.
Container ship CAP SAN LORENZO, IMO 9622227, dwt 124479, capacity 9600 TEU, built 2013, flag Denmark.