FAKE ALERT: Viral message claiming 10 days military lockdown in Mumbai-Pune is fake
by Times Fact CheckHighlights
- A message doing the rounds on instant messaging app WhatsApp claims that there will be a military lockdown across Mumbai and Pune from Saturday. This lockdown will last for 10 days, it says.
- The message is fake. The Mumbai Police via its official Twitter handle rubbished it.
A message doing the rounds on instant messaging app WhatsApp claims that there will be a military lockdown across Mumbai and Pune from Saturday. This lockdown will last for 10 days, it says.
The message appeals readers to stock as much vegetables and ration as they can as only milk and medicines would be available during the military lockdown. The message also claims that the Maharashtra government meeting is going on and the lockdown can be announced anytime.

The message is fake. The Mumbai Police via its official Twitter handle rubbished it.
“The attached message is fake but being widely circulated. If it reaches you, break the chain & do not forward. All essential supplies will be available & movement permitted only as per lockdown guidelines. #FakeMessageAlert” read the tweet from Mumbai Police.
Under this tweet, while replying to a Twitter user, the Mumbai Police has also shared an existing copy of the guidelines and said that no movement is allowed between between 8 am and 7 am.
Times Fact Check has found that the WhatsApp message claiming military lockdown in Mumbai and Pune is fake.