Try these yoga asanas for a better sleep |

Work-from-home during COVID-19 lockdown has affected the sleep schedules of almost 67% of people in India. Try yoga poses to snooze better.


The COVID-19 lockdown has necessitated has taken a toll on everyone, especially those who have been working from home (WFH). There are many ways WFH has affected our lives, health and well-being and sleep is one of the worst-hit issues among them. According to a study conducted by a Bengaluru-based startup, work from home has impacted sleep schedules of about 67 per cent of people in India. The observations of the research suggest that there has been around 40 per cent rise in late-night sleepers since the lockdown. Participants of this his study, which involved 1500 people, stated that many of them have been sleeping after 11 pm now which was not the case before lockdown. Over 81 per cent of them believe that their sleep schedule will be better once the lockdown ends. Also Read - 4 yoga poses that you can perform with pillows to stay fit during lockdown

We all know that getting a sound sleep is crucial for the vital functions of our body including those of the heart and brain. However, extreme stress can take a toll on your sleep schedule and quality. This is what has happened in the lockdown-driven phase of work from home. So, the first step to good sleep is, bringing down your stress levels. Yoga is known to have a calming effect on your mind. It soothes your nervous system, promoting good sleep. Here we are with a list of yoga poses for you to improve your snooze time and quality. Also Read - Easy yoga poses to keep your family in fine fettle during quarantine

Prasarita padottanasana

This asana, a type of forward bend, can help you relieve the stress from the back of the body. The rhythmic breathing involved in this asana may help you calm your mind. Also Read - Yoga offers relief from migraine: A few asanas just for you

How to


Shirshasana improves the blood flow to your heart and lungs, boosting circulation in your whole body. This, in turn, calms your mind and helps you sleep better.

How to


Also known as seated forward bend pose, this asana improves the health of your central nervous system. Moreover, the gentle rhythmic breathing involved in this pose will help you relax.

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