MTD Bus Capacity Increases, Face Masks Required
by Edhat StaffSource: MTD Santa Barbara
[Since] Friday, Santa Barbara MTD increased the number of passengers allowed on board all MTD buses.
As the County of Santa Barbara has received approval to move into the later stages of Phase 2, allowing certain businesses to reopen, demand for bus service will continue to increase.
To that end, effective Friday, May 22nd, 2020, load limits will be increased as follows: 15 passengers on a 40-foot bus and 10 passengers on a 30-foot bus. These amounts are still less than half of a fully seated busload. Though these allowable loads are increasing, a bus may pass up a person waiting at a bus stop if the amount of passengers onboard has already reached the limit.
Many transit agencies around the state and in the Central Coast region have been operating at these same capacities for several months. Passengers are asked to maintain 6 feet of physical distance from the bus operator and other passengers on the bus.
In order to minimize contact between bus operators and passengers at the front door and farebox area, passengers are still directed to use the rear door of the bus for boarding and alighting. Passengers using mobility devices or who need the ramp will be allowed to board and alight from the front door of the vehicle. MTD is still not collecting fares at this time.
Other items to note:
- Any individuals feeling ill and/or experiencing any of the following symptoms should not board the bus: fever, cough, shortness of breath
- Face coverings or masks are still required of passengers and bus operators
- Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols continue
- Suspension of fare collection continues