No Straight Roads Delayed To “Later In The Summer”
by Ian CheeNo Straight Roads was previously announced to have a 30 June release date. But it looks like the game will not be able to make it for the date it was initially set for. Now, it has been pushed back to “later in the summer”.
Game director and Metronomik founder Wan Hazmer made the announcement on the dev’s official Facebook page. He also notes that retailers will currently have the placeholder date of 31 August for No Straight Roads. That being said, Metronomik will share more details as they become available, which may include a different release date for the game.
This doesn’t exactly come as a surprise. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen to the cancellation of many physical events, as well as the delay of device and game releases. Though it is still unfortunate that another game has fallen victim to the global health situation. Especially so for No Straight Roads as it is one made by Malaysian devs.
At any rate, it doesn’t seem like too great a delay. While not necessarily applicable to us, summer ends at the end of September. All things considered, three months is a reasonable amount of time to wait, and hopefully Metronomik is able to release No Straight Roads earlier.
(Source: Metronomik / Facebook. Image: Metronomik)