President Trump warns about the potential for massive amounts of fraud from mail in ballots; reaction from Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.
Texas Lt. Gov. Patrick bashes Twitter, Dems over mail-in voting: 'If they get it, it's the end of democracy'
by Victor GarciaTexas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick admonished Democrats for pushing mail-in voting Tuesday, telling "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday that such measures would be "the end of democracy" if they were ever enacted.
Patrick also lashed out at Twitter after the social media giant added a warning phrase to two Trump tweets that called mail-in ballots “fraudulent” and predicted that “mail boxes will be robbed,” among other things
"Twitter owes the president an apology," Patrick said. "They fact-checked him, Laura, for his opinion. And by the way, his opinion was based on fact, because the Democrats are trying to steal this election.
"I just tweeted out that the Democrat plan to have everyone vote by mail is an invitation for fraud and it's a total scam," Patrick told Ingraham. "And tonight, I would like all of your millions of viewers to tweet their own tweet out about how mail-in ballots are a scam by the Democrats."
The warning message under Trump's tweets includes a link reading, “Get the facts about mail-in ballots” that guides users to a Twitter “moments” page with fact checks and news stories about Trump’s unsubstantiated claims.
Some Democratic lawmakers have pushed for voting by mail as a safe option for older voters, who they say may be at risk of contracting the coronavirus if they are forced to wait in lines to vote in person.
"Here's the deal," Patrick told Ingraham Tuesday. "The further away, Laura, you get from the ballot box, the more opportunity for fraud. The Democrats used to say, 'You don't have to show an I.D. to vote.' Now they don't even want you to vote [in person].
" ... It has nothing to do with safety because 65-year-old and older citizens in this country, in Texas and almost every state, can already vote by mail," Patrick added. "What the Democrats want to do is automatically send out ballots, which is against the law in Texas. You have to request them to vote by mail and they want to send that out to every citizen. This is their opportunity to try to rig the election.
"We're not going to put up with it. And if they get away with it, Laura, if they get it, it's the end of democracy," Patrick concluded. "It's not just the the end of this presidential campaign. If they get away with this, democracy has been shredded."
Fox News' Pau; Steinhauser and The Associated Press contributed to this report.