Big Brother Australia announces massive twist for new season
by Shanee DobesonIt’s been six long years since Big Brother Australia graced our TV screens, but the wait for the show’s much-anticipated return is almost over.
In just two weeks time, a whole new cast of housemates, aged between 19 and 62, will be battling it out to win the newly revamped reality TV show and a whopping $250,000 in prize money.
However, Channel 7 has confirmed Big Brother isn’t going to be like anything we have ever seen before.
“In 2020, the world’s greatest reality show returns to shake things up. But if you think you know Big Brother, then think again. This time, everything has changed,” the network said at the beginning of the year.
And deliver they did… in a massive twist unveiled in a new trailer for the show on Tuesday, it was revealed there will be both an eviction and a challenge EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!
“Big Brother is changing the rules. Every day he will set a new challenge and every episode will end with an eviction. Big Brother, this June on Seven.”
Instead of the public voting for housemates like the old days, the new-look Big Brother will also see only housemates nominating and evicting each other.
However, there will be a touch of familiarity when the show returns, with much-loved host Sonia Kruger returning after making the move from Channel Nine to Seven.