NC condemns assault on senior cardiologist, seeks thorough probe into incident
by RK News Jammu and Kashmir National Conference today expressed deep shock and concern over alleged harassment, assault and detention of senior interventional cardiologist Dr Syed Maqbool at a police barrier and a local police station in Srinagar.
While condemning the rough treatment being meted out to valleys senior cardiologist, National Conference MP Justice (retd.) Hasnain Masoodi said, “Dr Syed Maqbool as per his version was cardiologist on call for SMHS and all associated Hospitals of Srinagar and had to be available for emergency duty; that the doctor was keen to be available to the patients and respond to any emergency, made an earnest attempt to convince Constable at a police barrier that he was a cardiologist on call and was to attend emergency duty and to make his request convincing even produced his I D card and duty roaster. The constable instead of acceding to the request, reportedly assaulted the doctor. The senior Police Officer present on spot expected to come to the rescue of the victim more so when he had revealed his identity, shockingly is alleged to have dragged the cardiologist to the police station, humiliated, and insulted him, detained him till evening and let him off only after he was made to furnish bail,” adding “The personal vehicle of the senior intervention cardiologists reportedly continues to be seized and lying in the Police Station.”
Commending the sense of duty of Dr Maqbool who on his release from police station, with the car seized, unfettered by his ordeal went on foot to the hospital as he was to remain on night duty and performed duty even on Eid so as to attend emergencies and save lives, he said, “It is highly unbecoming of the JK police to act berserk as medical professionals are in the forefront of battle against Covid 19 and risking their lives to save lives of others.”
While demanding a time bound, fair and impartial inquiry into the matter, Masoodi said the need of the hour is to hold the erring officers responsible, “True facts should be unravelled and erring officers are dealt with under law so that such incidents do not happen in future,” he said.
NC MP Mohammad Akbar Lone, Provincial Spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar also condemned the alleged assault on the doctor and demanded a thorough investigation into the matter.