Own Your Shadow and Change Your Life

Stop blaming your partner, and take full ownership of your faults.

Source: truthseeker08/Pixabay

We are all human and therefore not perfect. Yet we deny our humanity by denying our faults. We do this through defensiveness, denial, projection, anger, and other emotions and behaviors.

Most of us have a core belief that people won’t love us if they know our shadow - that is, those parts, self-states, feelings and behaviors that we perceive as negative (greed, anger, lust, vulnerability, despair, aggression and so on). Our brain is hardwired to protect us and if we have a core belief that we are not worthy, then best not to show our full self, including our shadow. Often times, we point the finger and blame our partner for our pain, without realizing that three of our fingers are pointing right back at us -- at our faults, defenses, and manipulations.

Hiding our shadow in order to protect ourselves from rejection and pain, while projecting and blaming the other, hurts our most intimate relationships. Why?

The prices for not owning your shadow

Not showing your shadow can lead to several effects:

What’s the solution? Full ownership of your shadow – first to yourself and then to your partner. It is certainly easier said than done. Let’s explore the risks and benefits of bringing our faults openly to our relationship.

Risks of owning your shadow

Benefits of owning your shadow

Owning and subsequently admitting your faults enables personal and relational gains.

Personal benefits

Benefits to your relationship

How to own your shadow

Owning your shadow can be hard, especially after years of denying or hiding it. Yet it is possible to slowly look directly to your shadow and grow.

If you dare to own your shadow, over time you will feel a sense of vitality and freedom in your life. You will begin to attract people who are authentic and honest. You will create relationships and environments where you can speak your mind honestly, openly, and comfortably (like wearing your ‘relational pajamas’ all day). You may experience more conflicts, but they will be of deeper meaning. Full ownership of your faults is a key stage in changing your behavior, relationships, and life.