Courtesy of Spotify
Spotify Removes 10,000-Song Limit On User Libraries
Save, save, save.
by Tatiana CirisanoSpotify boasts a catalog of more than 50 million songs available to stream. But users have only been able to add a maximum of 10,000 songs to their libraries -- until now.
The streaming service has finally removed the 10,000-song cap, allowing users to "like" an unlimited number of songs on the platform.
Users have been complaining about the limit since 2014 on the Ideas Exchange section of Spotify's Community website, which invites users to make suggestions every month. Yesterday (May 26), Spotify officially marked the six-year-old suggestion as "implemented."
"We're excited to be marking this idea as implemented!" the post reads. "We've now removed the limit on saved items in Your Library, making it possible to save songs, and albums on Spotify to your heart's content."
However, the switch does not affect similar limits for offline listening and playlists. Spotify users can to download a maximum of 10,000 songs on five different devices for offline listening, and all playlists are capped at 10,000 songs.