Online orders for alcohol rising ahead of move to level 3 lockdown said that orders had been steadily increasing even before Sunday's announcement that restricted liquor sales would be allowed under level 3 lockdown.
by Kaylynn PalmCAPE TOWN - It appears that South Africans are wasting no time in placing their booze orders online. said that orders had been steadily increasing even before Sunday's announcement that restricted liquor sales would be allowed under level 3 lockdown.
When comparing April and May, sales grew by 220%.
Spokesperson Matthew Leighton: "We would encourage people to continue to shop online for their alcohol. For us at OneDayOnly, it's been a fantastic way to support some of the smaller wine farms in and around the Western Cape as they've virtually come to a standstill, so it's been a great way for them to continue to trade."
He said that since regulations were lifted on e-commerce under level four lockdown, they'd seen sizeable growth across all major indicators, sales and new shoppers.
"Although we don't know when we can deliver the alcohol just yet, we have everything ready and set up from our side - we're awaiting that announcement - and as soon as we do, we are very excited to get some of our orders to customers."