Suspicious donation to Estonia’s ruling party to be reported to prosecutors
by BNN
The Estonian party financing watchdog will report to the state prosecutor’s office a donation to the country’s ruling Centre Party, Estonian public broadcaster ERR reports.
Estonia’s ruling Centre Party was donated EUR 108,705 in donations in the first quarter of this year. A sizable sum in the amount of EUR 50,000, was received from a businesswoman in Tartu, Jana-Helen Juhaste.
Read also: Estonian parties seek to liquidate party funding surveillance body
Estonian business newspaper Äripäev wrote that the Estonian Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee asked the Estonian Tax and Customs Board for information on Juhaste’s revenue in the previous three years and found them to be too limited for the donation.
Stranger to the party
Commenting on the donation, Centre Party Secretary General Mihhail Korb and Tartu party group chair Jaan Toots said to ERR previously that they didn’t know anything about the Tartu entrepreneur.