Latvian prime minister asks transport minister to explain regional transport service tender
by BNN
Considering the publicly reported information about Latvian Transport Ministry’s LLC Road Transport Directorate’s organized tender for public transport services in 2021-2030, Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš has asked Transport Minister Tālis Linkaits to explain the tender.
The prime minister has also issued a resolution to immediately inform the government about the influence of this tended on the state budget, as BNN was informed by the prime minister’s press-secretary Sandris Sabajevs.
‘Publicly reported information about the tender creates questions as to the way contenders’ compliance with the requirement of having a spotless reputation is evaluated. The same applies for social responsibility and honest payment of taxes. As a result of the tender provided carriage services will have a long-term effect on the state budget. Mobility of residents is vital. This is why the transport minister has to explain to society and government members the details of the tender and its compliance with public interests and whether the best possible service providers have been picked,’ says the prime minister.
In June 2019 the government, after reviewing Transport Ministry’s report On development of regional public transport services 2021-2030, ordered the ministry to inform the government about the influence of the planned tender on the state budget before announcing results. Although information about the tender and winners is publicly available, no information was provided to the Cabinet of Ministers.
In accordance with the prime minister’s resolution, the transport minister has until the end of the week to provide the requested information to the Cabinet of Ministers.