Latvian students permitted to work this summer; NVA approves student employment
by BNN
Latvian State Employment Agency (NVA) has decided to organize student employment activities this year, as confirmed by welfare minister’s advisor for communication affairs Jānis Zariņš.
Student employment activities will be organized in two months – from 1 July to 31 August.
The previously made decision to not organize employment activities has been cancelled because the situation with COVID-19 has stabilized, says Zariņš.
Welfare Minister Ramona Petraviča stresses that entrepreneurs have a great deal of interest for summer employment of students. Municipalities have also requested the programme to be implemented this summer: «The decision to go through with student employment programme was carefully assessed and opinions from epidemiologists were considered. As COVID-19 spread reduces and the government has no plans to extend the state of emergency after 9 June, I see no obstacles for the student employment programme. Nevertheless, safety precautions to ensure the risks of COVID-19 spread are reduced will remain in place. Employment opportunities in summer are open for students and adults, especially after the time spent socially distant. This will provide a real material benefit for many families.»
NVA plans to perform a survey among employers who have submitted an application for participation in the programme. Evaluation of contenders for implementation of employment activities will be performed by NVA branches.
By 18 June NVA committees will have evaluated applications and will have made decisions. Contracts for employment activities will be signed no later than a week prior to the student’s employment start.
Students are able to register for participation electronically.
10 June will mark the beginning of registration in Latgale region. 11 June will mark the beginning for Vidzeme region. 12 June will mark the beginning for Riga region, and 13 June will mark the beginning for Kurzeme and Zemgale regions.
Students have to register in the region and county in which they want to work. Registration will be open until 17 August. More detailed information will be available on NVA website.
For student summer employment programme employers will receive grants of 50% of the minimal monthly wage in the country to pay wages to students. To pay monthly wages to disabled students – the state will provide grants of minimal monthly wage in the country.
Funding of EUR 1 795 212 has been provided to finance student summer employment in 2020. Initially this funding was intended to create 5 938 jobs in the three summer months of 2020. By 3 April a total of 435 employers registered jobs for the programme.
This year employers plan to employ students in retail and wholesale trade, processing industry, accommodation and catering services sector, as well as agriculture.
NVA organizes student employment activities every year since 2004. In 2009, because of budget optimization during the economic crisis, NVA was forced to put student employment activities on hold. The programme was restored in summer 2014.