Spanish FA agree to Friday and Monday games
by BeSoccerThe verdict by judge Andres Sanchez Almagero meant matches on Fridays and Mondays needed the Spanish FA (RFEF)'s approval. The Federation, in a statement which celebrated the verdict, has surprisingly announced that matches can be played on both Fridays and Mondays for rest of the season.
Football on Fridays and, more importantly, Mondays will return for the rest of the season as an exceptional measure. The Spanish FA (RFEF) have approved this after the courts confirmed that La Liga could not do this without the permission of the RFEF.
The verdict from Sanchez Almagro seemed to rule out all possibility of matches being played on Fridays and Monday unless an agreement was reached between La Liga and the RFEF.
But to everyone's surprise, no agreement has been needed. The RFEF, in the same statement in which they approved the court's decision, have said that they will accept football on those two days of the week for the rest of the season.
The RFEF says it is acting in good faith and talks about the agreements reached in the 'Viana Pact' with the Spanish Sports Council (CSD). However, it remains to be seen whether it will continue for next season.
It could well continue for the 2020-21 season, especially if the coronavirus situation means that the matches must be played behind closed doors.
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