Balotelli up to his usual tricks at Brescia!
by BeSoccerThe club and the striker are at odds again. Balotelli missed training and the club were not best pleased about it.
Mario Balotelli's time at Brescia will not be remembered as one of the best of the Italian's career.
He has not been good on the field of play and he is once again in the headlines for his off the field issues.
The latest act of indiscipline apparently took place this Tuesday. 'La Gazzetta dello Sport' explained that Mario Balotelli did not attend training as he claimed to have stomach problems.
Brescia, however, were expecting the striker to join the rest of his teammates and they showed their discontent at the striker's absence because they were also going to test him again for COVID-19.
Balotelli insisted that he called to let the club know and that even a club came to check his health, the club deny that was the case.
The player, who did his own thing during the lockdown and did not even care about keeping fit, could leave the club shortly.
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