Taylor Swift Got Revenge On Scooter Braun In New Season Of ‘Killing Eve’ & I’m Beyond Proud
by By Matt GaleaIn a huge win for our side, Taylor Swift has pulled a fast one on that dastardly Scooter Braun and her fans watched it unfold before their very eyes.
Yesterday, it was revealed that a ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ cover had been recorded by an unknown band called Jack Leopards and The Dolphin Club for the new season of Killing Eve.
The haunting track soon went viral as Swift gave it her seal of approval on social media, but folks were puzzled as to who the actual fuck this band is.
After noticing that Nils Sjoberg (Tay’s songwriting pseudonym that she previously used to co-write Rihanna’s ‘This Is What You Came For’ with ex Calvin Harris) was listed as a credit on the cover, they eventually worked out that our girl must’ve had a hand in this.
The next piece of the puzzle was put into place when fans noticed that Tay’s brother Austin Swift’s Twitter name used to be ‘The Dolphin Club’.
Before long, it had become clear that her lil bro served as the vocalist on the spooky cover.
There’s also a fan theory that she altered her own voice to sound like a man’s voice – the jury’s still out on that one.
So in summary: Taylor had her hit re-recorded under a fake artist to have it featured on one of the most successful TV series out RN and Scooter can’t get his filthy mitts on the profits.
Nice one, Tay Tay.