What the papers say – May 26
There is a mixed response from the nation’s papers to Dominic Cummings’s Monday press conference.
Tuesday’s papers are split on the Dominic Cummings affair, with some continuing calls for his resignation over his alleged flouting of lockdown rules, and others focusing on Britain getting back to business.
The Daily Mirror and Daily Mail again go on the attack, both running the headline “No regrets; No Apology”, and with the Mail asking “How can he survive?”
The Guardian and the i lead on Mr Cummings’s lack of regret.
And Metro continues to allege a double standard for how lockdown rules apply to different people, playing on the Government’s ‘stay alert’ message with a headline of “Stay Elite”.
Meanwhile, the Daily Express and The Sun touch on Mr Cummings but lead on an upbeat note, saying shops will reopen soon.
The Daily Telegraph also focuses on the reopening of retail outlets as the UK ‘edges back to normality’.
But The Independent says shops reopening is the news the Government would “rather you think about”, and instead leads with a call for Mr Cummings to apologise.
The Times reports on Mr Cummings’s insistence he did not break lockdown rules.
HSBC has been led to rethink their overhaul due to greater than expected costs associated with the pandemic, the Financial Times reports.
And The Daily Star carries a story on the naming and shaming of British trophy hunters in Africa.