Pet owner kung-fu kicked crazed knifeman who told him 'I'll cut your dog then slit your throat'
Paul Norton suffered facial wounds in the unprovoked attack while walking his dog in a wood where a thug threatened to kill him and his dog Jess.
by Nicholas Keyden, Chris Slater, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/nicholas-keyden/A dad-of-three managed to kung-fu kick and punch a crazed attacker who slashed his faced after threatening to slit his dog's throat.
Paul Norton relived the moment he was out walking his 16 month old Manchester Terrier, Jess, in the woods on Sunday, May 24 when she darted into some trees near a dirt path.
When the 42-year-old heard her yelp, he went to investigate and found a "scruffy looking" man he believed was on drugs holding her by the neck.
The father challenged him before a folding stanley knife was pulled on him, before the attacker told him "I'm going to cut your dog and I am going to cut your throat".

In desperate attempt to save his beloved pet's life, Paul suffered knife wounds to the face, according the Manchester Evening News.
He also had to undergo a coronavirus test after the thug spat at him in the unprovoked attack.
"It just came out of nowhere" he said.
"He had her strung up by the skin on her neck.
"He just had a blank expression but bulging eyes. I reckon he was off his head on something.
"I thought he was going to cut to her pieces so my only thought was to get her off him.
"I used to do a bit of kick boxing so I kicked him in the chest and he dropped the dog but he started swinging and lunging at me with the knife.
"I've put my arm up and he caught me on my wrist, thankfully not on the side where my veins are.
"Then he swung from the other side and caught me on the face. I could feel the blood trickling down.
"At this point the dog was going mad, running around my ankles barking not knowing what was going on.
"I managed to crack him on the forehead but he just stood there, and didn't move. He spat all over me after that.
"I managed to throw the dog down the path and I jogged away and kept an eye him to make sure he wasn't following me.
"The whole thing probably only lasted about 40 seconds in total and I think I was just acting on instinct really."
Landscape gardener Paul was then able to call his wife who rushed to his aid with two of his kids and also alerted the emergency services.
He was attended to by paramedics at the scene who dressed the wounds on his arms and face however he says thankfully they are mostly "superficial" and he did not need hospital treatment.
"They were here straight away, they were great" he said.
"There were about 15 police officers searching the vale
"They chased one guy but they said he didn't match the description anyway.
"It's pretty worrying though and they need to get him. My kids play down there, my wife runs down there.
"There were loads and loads of people about, all socially distanced, but enjoying the outdoors, I'd stopped and spoke to a few, elderly people and couples.
"I don't know whether he was trying to pinch my dog.
"Jess doesn't normally go up to people unless they've got treats or something so I reckon he may have had something to tempt her.
"Maybe he didn't know I was there and he's panicked when I've confronted him.
"It hasn't really hit me what's happened yet, maybe it will later."
As he was spat at Paul today went for a coronavirus test however he will not get the results back for another day or two and he says the though of catching the virus is another worry.
Today, police put out an appeal for potential witnesses, or anyone with information about the incident in Stockport's Reddish Vale Country Park at around 2:45pm on Sunday afternoon, May 24, to come forward.
The man was said to be 6ft tall and of a small build with short mousey-brown hair.

At the time of the incident, he was wearing dark clothing and his is described as being "unkempt."
Detective Sergeant Lee Attenborough, of GMP ’s Stockport district, said: “This was an unprovoked attack which could have had serious consequences. Thankfully, the victim’s injuries were minor and the dog was unharmed.
“I understand that incidents of this nature are a cause for concern but I would like to use this opportunity to reassure members of the public that enquiries are ongoing and officers are carrying out extra patrols.
"We are aware that there were several members of the public in the area at the time who witnessed the incident and aftermath, I appeal to them or anyone else with information which may assist us to get in touch.”