How to participate in Steve Hartman's "Taps Across America"
CBS News CBS News "On the Road" correspondent Steve Hartman is teaming up with retired Air Force bugler Jari Villanueva to keep the spirit of Memorial Day alive.
Starting on Monday at 3 p.m. Hartman and Villanueva are asking veterans, musicians, teachers, and students of all abilities and ages to sound Taps on their front lawns, porches, and driveways.
CBS News says Taps is recognizable as the somber 24-note bugle call played at American military funerals and ceremonies.
Hartman and Villanueva hope that the nationwide event will offer an opportunity to pause for a moment to pay tribute to fallen service members and victims of the coronavirus pandemic while maintaining social distancing guidelines.
Anyone who can sound Taps on the trumpet, bugle, or similar instrument can participate.
CBS News says they encourage people to record themselves sounding Taps and share the recordings to CBS Evening News by tagging the video on your social media with the hashtag #CBSTaps or upload it to this folder. Include your full name and location in the file name.
If you hear Taps being sounded, you should respond as you do for the national anthem: stand, face the music and place your hand over your heart.
For more information on finding the sheet music to Taps visit the website here.