South Carolina soldier dies in Afghanistan
SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP)-- A South Carolina soldier has been killed in Afghanistan.
The U.S. Department of Defense announced Thursday that 1st Lieutenant Travarius Ravon Bowman, 25, of Spartanburg, died May 19 at Bagram Air Force Base from a non-combat-related incident.
According to a department news release, the incident is under investigation.
The Spartanburg Herald-Journal reported that Bowman was in Afghanistan supporting Operation Freedom's Sentinel and assigned to Company B, 198th Signal Battalion, 261st Signal Brigade, Newberry, South Carolina. The unit is attached to the 228th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade, South Carolina National Guard.
Bowman earned the National Defense Service Medal; Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal; Army Service Ribbon; Army Achievement Medal; Army Commendation Medal; and Afghanistan Campaign Medal.
“This is never an outcome we as soldiers, leaders, and family members wish to experience.,” said U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Van McCarty, the adjutant for South Carolina. “Please keep the service members in his unit in your thoughts and prayers, as well as his family as they work through this difficult time.”
Bowman was a graduate of Dorman High School and a member of the school’s JROTC program.
“He quickly rose to the rank of Major and later served as Battalion Executive Officer, the second-highest position in the JROTC program,” Spartanburg School District 6 said in a statement.