Are you allowed to go to the beach during lockdown and are toilets open?
by Caroline WestbrookAs some of the UK’s coronavirus lockdown measures are eased, people in England are currently able to sit in the sun and take unlimited exercise outdoors, provided they adhere to social distancing measures.
And the rise in temperature over the past few days has seen thousands flocking to beaches across the country, sparking concerns that the crowds might make it impossible for sunseekers to remain two metres apart from others.
But just what are the rules regarding beaches – are they officially open, and are facilities on the beaches, such as public toilets, actually open?
Here’s what you need to know…
Are you allowed to go to the beach during lockdown?
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Under the current rules people can drive to outdoor open spaces in England to exercise or sit in the sun.
Technically this means that yes, you can visit the beach under those guidelines – although many seaside towns are trying to discourage visitors from doing so, with many of the facilities remaining closed.
Yorkshire has been among one area which has been vocal in asking people to stay away, with Scarborough Council’s deputy leader Cllr Liz Colling saying: With the weather expected to warm up again this week, I ask people to continue to play their part in helping to control the spread of coronavirus by only coming back to visit us when we are ready to welcome you properly,’
With people being asked not to descend on the beach, it’s been revealed that swimming in the sea is actually far safer than being on the sand, with virology professor John Ball telling This Morning that swimming is an effective way of keeping Covid-19 at bay, be it in the sea or in a swimming pool.
‘Intuitively, you’d think it was quite risky (to visit the seaside), because you’re essentially bathing on other people’s germs,’ he said.
‘But we know viruses don’t like sea water, or water, for a start that much anyway and if pools are open we know the chlorine is an incredibly effective way of killing that virus.’
Anybody who is driving anywhere within England to visit a beach or park should note that they should not drive as far as Scotland or Wales, where tougher lockdown restrictions are still in place.
Are public toilets open at beaches?
There is no hard and fast answer on this one – it largely depends where in the country you are.
Scarborough Borough Council previously tweeted: ‘Thinking of a trip to the coast? Toilets, handwashing facilities and car parks are closed.
‘Many businesses are not open, there are no lifeguards on the beaches.’

Other parts of the country, however, have seen their public toilets begin to re-open, with facilities re-opening in places such as Bournemouth and Brighton.
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