The highest yielding stocks on the TSX, plus risk data


The table below ranks all S&P/TSX companies by indicated dividend yield as reported by Bloomberg. It is intended as a starting point for further research.

We hope the data provided is helpful and credible, but recognize it is not sufficient grounds for actual market transactions on its own.

Investors should verify the data provided and investigate all cases where ‘NAs’ appear in the table before making buy and sell decisions.

As for methodology, we are relying heavily on S&P long-term credit ratings. Index stocks where no credit rating is available are excluded from the table. Credit rating, payout ratio and trailing price to earnings ratios are included so that investors can begin to assess the sustainability of current dividend income and the potential for dividend growth over time.

Data is of 10:00 a.m. ET on Monday.

SymbolCompanyInd Dividend YieldAve Ann 5Y Div Growth rate1Y Div Growth rateTotal Return 12MS&P LT Credit RatingPayout Ratio %PE Ratio TTM
BPY-U CT EquityBROOKFIELD PROPERTY PARTNERS14.098.886.06-46.39BBB74.878.28
RUS CT EquityRUSSEL METALS INC10.260.000.00-28.93BB123.3716.76
REI-U CT EquityRIOCAN REAL ESTATE INVST TR9.980.420.00-42.38BBB57.295.49
LB CT EquityLAURENTIAN BANK OF CANADA9.434.643.10-28.17BBB69.327.09
KEY CT EquityKEYERA CORP8.747.686.74-28.41BBB-89.467.39
GWO CT EquityGREAT-WEST LIFECO INC8.576.086.14-31.30A+66.2596.11
POW CT EquityPOWER CORP OF CANADA8.427.468.80-20.51A+79.056.93
CJR/B CT EquityCORUS ENTERTAINMENT INC-B SH8.28-26.340.00-50.41BB32.603.08
TCL/A CT EquityTRANSCONTINENTAL INC-CL A7.986.374.12-16.20BBB-46.257.03
SPB CT EquitySUPERIOR PLUS CORP7.831.760.00-21.35BB88.2914.70
IGM CT EquityIGM FINANCIAL INC7.690.450.00-14.58A72.059.22
MIC CT EquityGENWORTH MI CANADA INC7.3539.85421.50-12.20BBB+126.895.84
CPX CT EquityCAPITAL POWER CORP7.327.177.24-7.50BBB-250.006.78
ENB CT EquityENBRIDGE INC7.2913.699.87-5.88BBB+111.8018.62
ITP CT EquityINTERTAPE POLYMER GROUP INC7.139.076.72-35.02BB-82.478.10
PPL CT EquityPEMBINA PIPELINE CORP7.106.996.99-22.15BBB89.1310.82
CM CT EquityCAN IMPERIAL BK OF COMMERCE7.057.015.32-16.06A+49.916.81
BNS CT EquityBANK OF NOVA SCOTIA7.006.225.31-23.23A+51.907.30
MFC CT EquityMANULIFE FINANCIAL CORP6.9810.799.28-27.45A36.196.89
CNQ CT EquityCANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES6.6311.3612.32-21.50BBB34.0814.61
BMO CT EquityBANK OF MONTREAL6.575.756.63-34.74A+46.766.93
FCR-U CT EquityFIRST CAPITAL REAL ESTATE IN6.550.120.00-35.06BBB-36.868.43
ALA CT EquityALTAGAS LTD6.24-11.64-39.05-15.90BBB-34.93N/A
CRT-U CT EquityCT REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TR6.173.274.00-5.65BBB123.2832.27
CHP-U CT EquityCHOICE PROPERTIES REIT6.042.630.00-6.65BBBN/A10.71
BCE CT EquityBCE INC6.035.114.99-4.39BBB+93.9315.32
TD CT EquityTORONTO-DOMINION BANK5.679.419.45-23.49AA-46.098.30
CU CT EquityCANADIAN UTILITIES LTD-A5.518.815.16-11.47A-52.1512.92
NTR CT EquityNUTRIEN LTD5.47N/A7.67-25.93BBB103.3118.51
TRP CT EquityTC ENERGY CORP5.429.328.51-4.80BBB+70.2713.44
NA CT EquityNATIONAL BANK OF CANADA5.417.249.45-11.68A41.688.00
RY CT EquityROYAL BANK OF CANADA5.257.107.14-17.41AA-46.389.14
SJR/B CT EquitySHAW COMMUNICATIONS INC-B5.241.110.00-13.18BBB-83.8716.46
T CT EquityTELUS CORP5.117.987.01-5.10BBB+77.7816.06
IAG CT EquityIA FINANCIAL CORP INC4.8811.2010.32-21.03A27.37N/A
ACO/X CT EquityATCO LTD -CLASS I4.7013.077.49-16.45A-36.196.65
FTT CT EquityFINNING INTERNATIONAL INC4.702.781.86-19.51BBB+ *-55.3810.45
SLF CT EquitySUN LIFE FINANCIAL INC4.698.0510.26-9.50A+47.2111.76
EMA CT EquityEMERA INC4.639.544.196.62BBB85.2222.14
CIX CT EquityCI FINANCIAL CORP4.62-10.160.00-21.44BBB31.716.74
AQN CT EquityALGONQUIN POWER & UTILITIES4.6213.8710.4624.09BBB53.1822.06
CTC/A CT EquityCANADIAN TIRE CORP-CLASS A4.4416.2412.26-23.53BBB33.749.27
IMO CT EquityIMPERIAL OIL LTD4.0611.1015.79-39.35AA29.369.93
H CT EquityHYDRO ONE LTD4.00N/A5.0015.51A-73.2615.61
MG CT EquityMAGNA INTERNATIONAL INC3.9517.8611.86-1.40A- *-25.447.75
NPI CT EquityNORTHLAND POWER INC3.942.130.0028.05BBB70.0215.59
IPL CT EquityINTER PIPELINE LTD3.901.53-11.34-34.33BBB-131.069.71
QSR CT EquityRESTAURANT BRANDS INTERN3.8788.9611.28-15.63BB83.3618.47
FTS CT EquityFORTIS INC3.747.366.064.10A-49.6120.54
FFH CT EquityFAIRFAX FINANCIAL HLDGS LTD3.691.71-1.93-40.49BBB-13.7428.48
RCI/B CT EquityROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC-B3.621.543.09-19.87BBB+50.0213.58
SU CT EquitySUNCOR ENERGY INC3.4610.0215.00-39.32BBB+90.3517.23
PKI CT EquityPARKLAND CORP3.162.411.73-0.96BB42.7515.97
CAS CT EquityCASCADES INC2.3414.87100.0051.35BB-32.6913.01
CCA CT EquityCOGECO COMMUNICATIONS INC2.3010.9010.4913.61BB+30.4913.45
TRI CT EquityTHOMSON REUTERS CORP2.273.01-76.548.90BBB48.5868.84
WN CT EquityWESTON (GEORGE) LTD2.174.564.48-3.72BBB162.1215.12
TA CT EquityTRANSALTA CORP2.14-25.751.56-7.19BB+65.31N/A
PRMW CT EquityPRIMO WATER CORP2.103.232.10-8.72BN/A54.91
EFN CT EquityELEMENT FLEET MANAGEMENT COR2.09N/A-25.00-11.89BBB146.0928.33
CNR CT EquityCANADIAN NATL RAILWAY CO1.9815.5414.98-3.78A36.6219.19
RBA CT EquityRITCHIE BROS AUCTIONEERS1.9810.4911.4126.97BB+55.3829.26
L CT EquityLOBLAW COMPANIES LTD1.895.156.78-2.90BBB42.3819.82
OTEX CT EquityOPEN TEXT CORP1.7418.7717.324.98BB+59.3136.48
CCL/B CT EquityCCL INDUSTRIES INC - CL B1.6423.0123.21-28.33BBB25.3715.87
MRU CT EquityMETRO INC/CN1.5914.4211.8416.60BBB27.9419.62
BAM/A CT EquityBROOKFIELD ASSET MANAGE-CL A1.5612.3310.633.69A-27.0218.54
TECK/B CT EquityTECK RESOURCES LTD-CLS B1.55-25.98-33.33-50.88BBB-N/A6.87
HSE CT EquityHUSKY ENERGY INC1.21-15.7011.11-64.50BBBN/AN/A
YRI CT EquityYAMANA GOLD INC1.19-15.4189.56196.78BB+10.5138.96
ABX CT EquityBARRICK GOLD CORP1.073.2925.51131.87BBB8.86N/A
CP CT EquityCANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LTD0.9818.8527.6914.52BBB+17.7918.79
MX CT EquityMETHANEX CORP0.9310.7811.03-60.63BB122.9125.63
WCN CT EquityWASTE CONNECTIONS INC0.802.0117.592.74BBB+30.9539.09
OSB CT EquityNORBORD INC0.75-10.16-80.33-2.90BBN/AN/A
ATD/B CT EquityALIMENTATION COUCHE-TARD -B0.6624.0921.181.03BBB13.8517.03
HBM CT EquityHUDBAY MINERALS INC0.570.000.00-44.96BN/A7.17
CCO CT EquityCAMECO CORP0.57-27.520.005.43BBB-42.7254.23
SNC CT EquitySNC-LAVALIN GROUP INC0.40-39.41-89.66-19.98BB+12.84N/A
DOL CT EquityDOLLARAMA INC0.399.867.324.86BBB9.8025.20


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