Beat Saber 1.10.0 out now, adds 46 new beatmaps across 18 songs with 360°/90° levels


Beat Games has released update 1.10 for Beat Saber across PC VR platforms, and players will be glad to know that 46 new beatmaps have been added across 18 songs in the game. That includes 10 new 360°/90° levels each and 26 new One Saber levels for those 18 songs, hitting that 46 beatmap target. This is a free content update so anyone who has Beat Saber can try these new levels out after updating to version 1.10. That is not all players will notice as there have been a few fixes released too. You can check them out below.

What’s the deal for PSVR players then? Well you are going to have to wait, unfortunately.


Yep, technical issues have hampered the update being released on PSVR and Beat Team are looking into getting the content out as soon as possible for PSVR owners of Beat Saber.

Source: Steam/Twitter