Online registration for Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades opens tomorrow
Tight timeframe
by Staff reporterThe Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD today (Monday 25 May 2020) announced that the new online Calculated Grades Student Portal will open for registration to Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied students tomorrow Tuesday, 26 May.
All Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied students are required to register on gov.ie/leavingcertificate between 10am Tuesday, 26 May and 10pm Thursday, 28 May.
All students following the Leaving Certificate Established or Leaving Certificate Vocational Programmes are also required to confirm the level at which they intended to sit each of their subjects. Students will have the option of confirming the level or changing to a lower level.
When registering on gov.ie/leavingcertificate students must have the following information to hand:
· Their Examination Number
· Their Personal Public Service number (PPS), which they will use to create a four-digit Personal Identification Number
· Email address
· Mobile phone number
Once the Department has received all the necessary data from schools, students will be asked to opt in through the portal to indicate if they wish to receive Calculated Grades.
Minister McHugh said: “Every school has been sent on the information to provide to their students so that they are able to complete the registration on the student portal.
“This is a brand-new system that it has been necessary to introduce because of the decisions we have had to take as we respond to Covid-19 situation. It is vital now that every Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied student is aware of the new online registration on gov.ie/leavingcertificate.
“The important message for Leaving Certificate students is that they must now register by Thursday at 10pm to ensure that they can receive their Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades.
“It is also essential that students confirm their levels at this time so that schools can complete the task of providing information for each student about their expected level of performance in each subject.”
Schools have been asked to assist their students as much as possible but if anyone has trouble getting access online, there will be helpline support from midday on Tuesday.
Minister McHugh said: “Please don’t leave it until the last minute. This is a tight timeframe. We need every student to register so that the new system can operate smoothly.
“Every school has been sent information on the gov.ie/leavingcertificate portal and how to register, and will be asked to circulate this to students and to parents and guardians.”