New Zealand reports one COVID-19 case in a week
by News DeskBy NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews
Over the past week, New Zealand health officials have reported one COVID-19 case over the past week. The last case since May 18 was reported on May 22 was linked to the St Margaret’s cluster in Auckland and is a household contact of an earlier case.

The total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 remains at 1,154 and a combined total of confirmed and probable cases at 1,504.
21 deaths have been reported.
Many are counting heavily on an upcoming coronavirus vaccine; however, a online poll by the New Zealand Herald on their Facebook page showed that only 53 percent of respondents would take the vaccine.
In just two hours, 54,000 votes were placed on the Facebook poll in two hours, which was soon after taken down.
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