Woman stopped by police on Welsh beach claims she ‘thought Wales was in England’ in rant against ‘bunch of b******s’
by Jon Rogers
A WOMAN who was stopped by police on a Welsh beach claimed she “thought Wales was in England” and later unleashed a foul-mouthed rant.
Cops approached the woman on a Gwynedd beach on Wednesday, the hottest day of the year so far.
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In a later post she revealed she would be going to an English beach the next day
She also said: "F*** you Wales you bunch of b******s.”
The footage records the woman asking the officers: “You’re telling me it’s illegal to be at this beach when Boris Johnson said that you can?”
When she is told she is breaching the Welsh Government’s travel restrictions she replied: “So which beach can I go to today?”
She then adds: “That’s 100 per cent that is? I’ve been here three times before.”
In a later social media post she claimed she didn’t know Wales and England were separate countries.
She wrote: "I was ignorant. I didn't realise Wales wasn't in England.
“Fully understand I was in the wrong. See I admit when I f*** up.
“But tomorrow we going to an English beach.
“F*** you Wales you bunch of b*******. No f***er was even there locals lined up waiting.”
She continued: “Come on it’s me I don’t do rules.”
In England the current rules permit people to enjoy unlimited exercise, sunbathe, picnic and drive to beauty spots in the country but still have to maintain social distancing guidance and have to return home the same day.
Wales also allows unlimited daily exercise but it can only be done either on your own or with members of your household.
Unnecessary travel is still banned as are gatherings with people from other households.
Sunbathing is still prohibited as are beach trips, unless you are a local resident and use the beach for exercise.

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