Stewartry to be in tune by end of lockdown thanks to virtual singing weeks
A group of music lovers have come up with the idea of Together, Apart, which will culminate in a concert at Balmaghie Kirk
by Stuart Gillespie, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/stuart-gillespie/The Stewartry will be on song by the end of lockdown.
A group of music lovers have come up with the idea of Together, Apart which will involve virtual singing weeks as people learn the words and music at home.
The hope is to have an outside concert at Balmaghie Kirk in the autumn once restrictions are lifted.
Kirkcudbright music teacher and choir master Kate Picken and her daughter Jennifer are involved as well as Pauline Drysdale and Balmaclellan Sacred Landscape Trust’s Lady Susan Ross and Lorna McLeod.
Kate and Jennifer said: “We are delighted to be involved in this community project and hope that the singalong opportunity will help keep spirits uplifted at this time.”
There are a number of positive benefits from singing, including raising endorphins, reducing stress and drawing more oxygen into the blood.
Together, Apart aims to help people of all ages feel included within a group while looking towards the future and the end of lockdown.
Pauline said: “Lady Ross, Lorna and myself felt there was an opportunity to get people together virtually to sing and learn a number of mixed hymns and songs.
“The talented Kate Picken and Jennifer Picken have kindly come on board and have pulled together the first virtual song The Prayer.”
Lady Ross added: “The response has been marvellous and so many people within our community are excited to hear the first song which they will learn and sing along to.
“We are absolutely delighted to have the wonderful Kate and Jennifer on board to guide us and we have religious and non-religious songs, suitable for all ages, which we will upload each week!”
The words and songs will be available each week on the trust website www.balmaghiekirk.com and the trust Facebook page where people will also be encouraged to make donations to the NHS and key workers.
“The public group sing-a-long overlooking Loch Ken will provide a spectacular venue and we hope to see lots of people turn up to celebrate our sense of community spirit. Once the event comes to a close the bells will be rung and we also hope to light up the kirk.”