Monero (XMR) Nitrogen Nebula Update Brings Enhanced Privacy and Speed
by Ogwu Osaemezu EmmanuelMonero (XMR), a privacy-centric altcoin that focuses on fungibility and decentralization, has officially launched version of its software. Dubbed Nitrogen Nebula, the team says the latest Monero software release comes with Dandelion++ support and offers users an improved Bulletproofs verification speed, according to a blog post on May 23, 2020.
Monero Unveils Nitrogen Nebula Update
In another significant development for the Monero ecosystem, the development team has launched the Nitrogen Nebula version update, which boasts several important features for users.
As stated in its blog post, the latest Nitrogen Nebula major release comes with various bug fixes, as well as performance improvements, including improved Bulletproofs verification speed, bandwidth reduction, faster fetching of consecutive transactions and timelock verification for Ledger devices.
What’s more, the team says the latest release comes with Dandelion++ support. For the uninitiated, Dandelion++ enhances transaction propagation on the network, making it almost impossible for a particular transaction to be traced to an IP address.
For users to enjoy the water-tight privacy protection that comes with Dandelion++, a Dandellion++ compliant node must also communicate with other Dandelion++ capable nodes.
Notably, the team has made it clear that the latest update has been made possible by 49 developers who worked tirelessly to put out 563 commits containing a massive 81539 new lines of code.
The team said:
“This release was the direct result of 49 people who worked, largely unpaid and altruistically, to put out 563 commits containing 81539 new lines of code. We’d like to thank them very much for their time and effort.”
Notably, the team has hinted that the new update is only available for downloads via the command-line interface (CLI), with the graphical user interface (GUI) wallet to be released shortly.
Despite the regulatory challenges plaguing privacy-protecting cryptocurrencies, Monero (XMR) adoption has been on the rise in recent times.
Earlier in February 2020, BTCManager informed that Bitsa, a Monaco-based crypto startup, has added support for Monero (XMR) to its prepaid Bitsa Card.
More recently, on April 10, 2020, reports emerged that premium smartphone brand, HTC has joined forces with Midas Labs to enable XMR mining on mobile phones.
At press time, Monero (XMR) is the 16th largest cryptocurrency in the world. The price of XMR sits at $6176, with a market cap of $1.09 billion, as seen on CoinMarketCap.