Why I love sports: Reader responses for Monday, May 25

'It not all about winning or losing'
As a coach, it’s easy to point at our competitive nature when trying to explain why sports are so special. It’s true. Coaches love to win. We hate to lose. But the purpose we get into coaching is so much deeper than that.
The beauty of athletics is that we get to push kids to their limit and teach them that it’s OK to struggle. We don’t do it in a negative way. We hope to instill a mindset that life, like athletics, is full of struggles, and that pushing through them will only make you stronger on the other side.
There is NOTHING better than seeing your former players come back later in life and tell you that the lessons they were taught while competing have made them better people today. “Thank you” is inspiring.
I truly believe it not all about winning or losing. Do we want championships? Sure! But the true rewards lie in seeing the contributions that we as coaches make in the future lives of our players. THAT is why I coach.
Jonathan Moy, Mustang High School assistant softball coach
Why do you love sports? Email us your response at NICsportsdesk@oklahoman.com.