All The Titles Leaving Aussie Netflix In June
by Mariam GabajiJune is fast approaching and with it comes another exodus of TV shows and movies from Netflix. Having said that, you'll be happy to know Mad Men's removal from the streaming platform — originally scheduled for the end of April — has been delayed to June 11. If you want to finish all seven seasons and 92 episodes before then, you'll need to start binge-watching straight away.
The list of titles leaving Netflix is looking short thus far but we're going to keep updating this story as we hear more. For the time being, it appears that only TV series are being cut, and with that too, we might only shed a tear or two with Mad Men's removal.
Here's the full list in case there's anything in there that you would like to catch up on before it's time to say goodbye.
Everything leaving Netflix on 1 June
- 72 Cutest Animals: 1 Season
- Ascencion: 1 Season
- Bad Education: 3 Seasons
- Full House: 8 Seasons
- Lip Service: 2 Seasons
- Power Battle Watch Car: 1 Season
Everything leaving Netflix on 2 June
- Botched Up Bodies: 1 Season
- Cannabis: 1 Season
- Ghost Town Gold: 1 Season
- Horror Homes: 1 Season
- Hotel Beau Sejour: 1 Season
- Kitten Rescuers: 1 Season
- License to Drill: Louisiana: 1 Season
- The Homecoming: 1 Season
Everything leaving Netflix on 7 June
- Healer: 1 Season
Everything leaving Netflix on 11 June
- Mad Men: 7 Seasons
Everything leaving Netflix on 15 June
- YOM: 1 Season
Everything leaving Netflix Australia on 18 June
- The Garfield Show: 2 Seasons
Everything coming to Netflix in June

Although Netflix is letting go of some content, it's adding tons of new TV shows, movies and docos in their place. From the latest seasons of Queer Eye, The Politician and 13 Reasons Why to new movies such as Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of the Fire Saga and Da 5 Bloods, there's a big wave of exciting titles that'll keep you cozied up on your couch the whole month.
Here's our guide to the full list of titles coming to the streaming provider next month.